Monday, December 14, 2009

Ban government employee unions

Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro -

"Their pay is funded through your tax dollars," ... "For government employee union members to get more, your taxes need to go up. So that is what unions now lobby for."

And as with so much else in this country, Sherk cautions that what is happening on the West Coast is likely a portent of disturbing things to come for the rest of us... [snip]

These actions point to the hard reality that the interests of government employee unions are fundamentally opposed to the interests of taxpayers.

These diverging interests are perfectly illustrated at the federal level by the political endorsements of the American Federation of Government Employees, which actively backed Barack Obama. For his part, the president is now pushing federal spending to unprecedented heights while expanding the federal work force and working with Congress to raise taxes. Between elections, AFGE, along with other federal employee unions like the National Treasury Employees Union and the National Federation of Federal Employees, constantly lobby Congress against any proposal to rein in the spiraling compensation costs of the federal civil service.

Hard-pressed taxpayers shouldn't have to fight tax-happy congressmen and greedy government worker unions at the same time. Public service employees should be forced to bargain as 92.7 percent of the work force does...

[This situation is dire. Consider: once those receiving benefits from the government and those working for it - all dependent on it - exceed those paying for it, what chance any fiscal responsibility in a democracy?

A: None. We'll have a permanent majority simply taking by force all it wants until it destroys its host {as has been the case throughout socialistic history}.

We're on that brink now - and socialized medicine would easily result in a majority-dependent situation (patients and health-care system workers) - hence the Democrat push at all costs: because once enacted...]


And nowhere worse than California...

CA Governor:
Phone: 916-445-2841

CA State Legislature =

CA Senate Email list pg.

Karen Bass - Assy. Speaker (916) 319-2047

Barbara Boxer web mail

Dianne Feinstein webmail

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