Monday, December 14, 2009

Warmest ever, or getting cooler?

Subject: txt 1st grn owg -
You might hear climate change "deniers" saying recent temperatures show global cooling. But then you hear climate "deceivers" say the last 10 years were the warmest on record. Who's right?

They both are.

That is, IF you accept, say, the NASA/GISS Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Change (land-ocean mix) as the "true" global temperature.

But what you'll never hear in the MSM, is that the data NASA provides are not raw temperature readings or even simple averages of temperature readings. They are adjusted, quality-controlled, homogenized and fudge-factored in ways we don't know and they're not telling.
[why not? so much for 'peer review' - snip]

The chart below shows recent annual temperatures. The 2009 data point is biased on the high side, since it is the average through October only, thus missing November's and December's cooler readings. (The temperature is the "anomaly", or the difference from the 1951-80 average.)

But even taking NASA's adjusted and homogenized data {such as The 2009 data point is biased on the high side, since it is the average through October only, thus missing November's and December's cooler readings} at face value, then the prior 10 years ending in 2007 were the hottest on record - again, as 'factored' {read: fiddled with} by NASA.

But look at the graph. It looks like temperatures might have peaked recently, maybe in 2005. In fact, the linear regression trend line of these data points is down since 2002. (If 2009 is excluded, the trend line is down since 2001.) The globe has been getting cooler for the last 8 years.

Even using deceiver-generated 'data', it's the 'deniers' who are supported by it once again.

[Again and again - for two decades now - ALL 'scientific evidence' promoted by the deceivers doesn't bear examination to true scientific standards. It's all a shell game folks, for the usual reasons - power and money, in amounts previously unimaginable.]


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