Friday, December 11, 2009

Adaptive liberal hypocrisy

Subject: txt 2010 bdd vals othr libs -
In recent weeks we have witnessed liberals in the highest level of government sanctimoniously defend terrorists who kill us, while persecuting those who defend us from murderous attacks. In an effort to understand this reversal of good and evil, it has become a cliché to call liberals crazy.

But while supremely hypocritical, liberalism is not insane. It is a highly adaptive ego device that enables people to violate commitments, vilify those who are true to their faith, and avoid personal sacrifice while feeling great about themselves. The only defense against hypocrisy is self-knowledge; the politics, spirituality, and morality of liberalism are well-constructed firmaments of self-delusion... [snip]

The anti-American statements and policies of the Obama administration are sacraments of two generations of ascendant egocentrism in our country. The ego is loath to admit, "I don't want to get my behind shot off in some war." No problem. Liberal academia has given us 50 years of indoctrination in the many reasons America is not worth it.

And here's some good ego-logic: The reality that "it takes too much courage to knowingly bring a Down Syndrome child into the world" becomes "Sarah Palin is confused and slutty." Eric Holder calls the American people cowards and then casts self-confessed terrorist murderers as civil rights victims. Khalid Sheik Mohammed becomes the new Rosa Parks.

But none of this is crazy. It is adaptive.

For example, in the case of Mr. Holder, his deference to admitted terrorists is an ingenious, though probably mostly unconscious, ego-projection of himself as a civil rights hero while he breaks his oath to defend the Constitution from foreign enemies.

The notion, now commonly posited in liberal media, that the Fort Hood terrorist Major Hassan is mentally ill, is another unconscious capitulation to egocentrism. It is the worst form of hypocrisy to make excuses for somebody who takes all of the benefits of military service and then murders his defenseless fellow soldiers.

Liberal hypocrisy is not insanity, it is pretersanity, a powerful tactic of self-absolution, a way to become rich, admired, and powerful while supposedly "fighting for the little guy," or to exhort others to self-sacrifice while making none yourself...

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