Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit

Subject: txt 1st fnn sclm bbro bdd vals sclm libs -

Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin?? Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama. CNN couldn't help themselves.

They actually fact checked - the jokes.

The transcript of CNN’s “fact-checking” report, which aired 28 minutes into the 6 pm Eastern hour of Monday's Situation Room:

WOLF BLITZER: It seems no politician is safe from Saturday Night Live. While many people think SNL has mostly spared President Obama, what they’re doing now is not necessarily all that kind. They essentially cast the leader of the free world as a do-nothing president, at least so far. Even though SNL deals in comedy, what they said about the President rings true for a lot of you, apparently. So, did the show accurately capture a mood, or did it go off track for comedic effect?
Let’s bring in CNN's Kareen Wynter. She’s checking the facts for us...

[Still think this cult of personalty harmless? We've major news organizations fact-checking Saturday-Night-Live...]


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