Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Real Population Bomb

It's been 40 years since Stanford University population biologist Paul Ehrlich warned of imminent global catastrophe in his book "The Population Bomb." As it turns out, the book was aptly, though ironically, named.

Ehrlich predicted that, "In the 1970's, the world will undergo famines hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death. Forty years later, no such mass starvation has come to pass. In fact, global deaths due to starvation have been halved despite the global population having more than doubled.

Ehrlich also fretted that we were depleting the world oxygen supply by paving terrestrial areas, burning fossil fuels and clearing tropical forests...

Ehrlich also warned that manmade global warming would melt the polar ice caps and raise sea level by 250 feet...(even out fear-mongering ’20-foot tidal wave’ Al Gore)...

Ehrlich proposed a Department of Population and Environment to implement population control laws. The goal was to maintain world population at “one or even two billion,” which he suggested “could be sustained in reasonable comfort for 1,000 years if resources were husbanded carefully" [6.6B and counting...][snip]

Given how Ehrlich’s predictions turned out, you might think that he vanished into the dustbin of Chicken Little history or at least revised his ideas, right?

Wrong. The Stanford professor is a member of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences and has been honored by the United Nations, MacArthur Foundation, Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, Ecological Society of America and the American Institute of Biological Sciences -- to name just a few.

Worse, he’s still at it...

[hey, scare mongering is more profitable than ever...]


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