Monday, September 28, 2009

NRO: Data Underlying Global Warming Claims May Be Gone

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At National Review Online Wednesday morning, Patrick J. Michaels told us that:

.... the data needed to verify the gloom-and-doom warming forecasts have disappeared.

Or so it seems. Apparently, they were either lost or purged from some discarded computer. Only a very few people know what really happened, and they aren’t talking much. And what little they are saying makes no sense.

There have been many questions about the integrity of the science behind global warming, but what Michaels describes may be the most troubling example yet cited.

Here's more from his column:

Since the 1980s, we have merged the data we have received into existing series or begun new ones, so it is impossible to say if all stations within a particular country or if all of an individual record should be freely available.

In other words, we're being told that a lot of the raw data is gone. We're just supposed to trust that the adjustments made were done accurately and properly. Even if they were done conscientiously at the time based on the best available knowledge, there's no way to modify those adjustments for better information that may have come along in the last three decades.

So here's the bottom line:

.... So the question remains: What was destroyed or lost, when was it destroyed or lost, and why?

.... If there are no data, there’s no science. U.S. taxpayers deserve to know the answer to the question posed above.

It looks like there's a lot of material in place that should motivate someone in the establishment press to do an investigative report. Will anyone in the establishment media, which incessantly questions the accuracy of scientific reports based solely on who paid for them, even care to tell us that much of the scientific data supporting what I have for years referred to as "globaloney" apparently no longer exists?

Don't hold your breath.


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