Monday, September 28, 2009

Truth trumps the race card

[HT:HE]Subject: txt 1st vals -
Did I miss something extremely important in the fine print on our presidential ballots last year?

Was there some fishy legalese in there specifying that if Barack Obama were elected, then I as a citizen, would thereby give up my right to free speech and would have to walk barefoot over hot coals if I criticized any of his policies? Did I miss some dictate down there on the ballot in my Southern state that notified me of my loss of U.S. citizenship in the event that Barack Obama became the first black president?

I don't think so. [snip]

Investors Business Daily enumerated 15 distinct, quite problematic instances of misinformation uttered by the President in his speech before Congress. The Heritage Foundation debunked 10 false claims in the speech. Reason Magazine, a fierce supporter of the President's election, published a column calling it like it is, "Obama's Lies Matter, Too." The not-known-for-racism group, listed six big areas where the President fudged the truth in very carefully worded ways that seemed intentionally misleading.

Whether one chooses to call these "lies" or "misinformation" probably depends upon one's own proclivity for candor... [snip]

So, the next time some insanely condescending liberal tries to pull the race card from his hand and lay it on the table like it's some kind of cockamamie trump card, be ready and armed with the truth. Because truth trumps the race card every single day of the week.

And that's exactly how MLK envisioned it.
It's all about character.
It ain't about race.

Oh, and the establishment media needs to understand once and for all that if they're not willing to be colorblind protectors of the people's right to know, then they will be -- in perfect capitalistic fashion -- moved right off the stage posthaste...


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