.Marston Bates said, Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. But what happens if a research alley is avoided or ignored? Often the answer is in what is ignored, not what is presented. It’s an unacceptable practice in science and only indicates the political nature of the climate change research and debate.
Why is the Most Important Greenhouse Gas Ignored?
We should change the name of the planet from Earth to Water. It covers much more of the surface than land and is unique from the other planets. All the emphasis is on temperature, but what happens to precipitation is far more important for plants and agriculture. Precipitation is mentioned in claims of increased droughts with global warming, but it’s a scare tactic and illogical. Warmer temperatures mean more moisture in the air with more precipitation potential, not less. The illogic eludes notice because of lack of understanding of the role of water in atmospheric processes
Generally the public is unaware water vapor is 95% of the greenhouse gases by volume and CO2 is less than 4%, yet water vapor is virtually ignored. [Ah, but that's because SUVs don't 'emit' water vapor - so it must be the CO2] Here is a web site devoted to greenhouse gases (GHG) but water vapor, by far the most abundant and important one is listed under “other.” [snip]
A Positive Feedback that is Actually Negative
There’s a problem even if you accept the assumption an increase in CO2 will cause a temperature increase. The atmosphere is almost saturated with respect to CO2’s capacity to delay heat escape. A good analogy is the objective of blocking light coming through a window. A single coat of paint will block almost all the light and is like the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Second and third coats block very little more light just as doubling or tripling CO2 will cause very little temperature increase.
“What we see, then, is that the very foundation of the issue of global warming is wrong.” ... “In a normal field, these results would pretty much wrap things up, but global warming/climate change has developed so much momentum that it has a life of its own – quite removed from science."
Now the world is in a blind alley with energy and economic policies based on predictions from climate models that omit major elements and use false assumptions...
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