Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MSNBC Chief: You're might be a racist if...

If you have ever harbored doubt about why the Obama machine has been unable to provide incontrovertible proof of his U.S. citizenship, then you ... are ... a ... racist.

Sure, it sounds funny enough to be a Jeff Foxworthy punch line, but it was said in utter, condescending sincerity.

In what could be a new low in hypocrisy -- even for the home of Chris "I Felt a Thrill Going Up My Leg" Matthews and that former sportscaster in the evening -- the president of MSNBC, Phil Griffin, called anyone who has concerns about Barack Obama's citizenship, "racist."

Griffin's comments came after the national media finally paid a little attention -- albeit belatedly, and mostly mockingly -- last week to the ongoing controversy over Barack Obama's eligibility to be President. Once again, new media dragged the dinosaurs into a story they wouldn't otherwise have covered.

After a YouTube video of Delaware Congressman Mike Castle being heckled at a town hall about Obama's citizenship went viral, the AP reported that the question became one of the most popular topics at its Ask AP column.

Lou Dobbs, on both his radio show and on CNN, and MSNBC and its partner in slime, NBC, also spent time on the questions about Obama's citizenship status.

The tone of the two entities affiliated with GE -- which plans to make out like a robber baron from Obama's policies -- was predictable.

"It's racist. It's racist. Just call it for what it is."

But the response from NBC was far different when leftists leveled similar charges against John McCain during last year's campaign... [snip]

So, when the citizenship of a genuine American hero, who has been in the public eye for over three decades, is questioned by liberal bloggers, the Obamatons at NBC treat the matter seriously.

Whereas, when similar charges are raised against a relatively unknown product of Chicago's dirty political swamp, who has close ties to convicted felons, domestic terrorists, and an organization repeatedly accused of using taxpayer money to perpetrate widespread voter fraud, who is connected to shady land dealings, and whose long-time 'spiritual advisor' blames America for 9/11 and has called on God to "damn America", those who would even consider questions about the rather unsettled proof of Obama's citizenship are called racists.

Is there any way to doubt Barack Obama without being called a racist?

"The Place for Politics"? More like, The Place for Propaganda.


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