Monday, July 6, 2009

Liberty And Liberation On July 4

Mission Accomplished: The withdrawal of U.S. troops from 15 Iraqi cities makes this a time to remember the sacrifices that made success possible — and the president who refused to lose.

It is questionable if even Reagan could have resisted the kind of united pressure from political friend and foe alike that George W. Bush was under during the months preceding the Surge. As we celebrate this 4th of July, we should be thankful for a 43rd president who refused to allow another Vietnam.

And we should hope his successor does not undo what history will remember as one of the great instances of presidential fortitude.

But the concerns that former Vice President Dick Cheney recently expressed regarding our forces in Iraq are not to be taken lightly. Reacting to the announcement last week that U.S. soldiers would leave Iraq's cities in a 24-hour span, Cheney reflected to the Washington Times that

"one might speculate that insurgents are waiting as soon as they get an opportunity to launch more attacks."

The former defense secretary for the first President Bush understood that the Iraqis eventually

"have to stand on their own, but I would not want to see the U.S. waste all the tremendous sacrifice that has gotten us to this point."

With over 4,300 of our servicemen and women having fallen to rid the world of the threat of Saddam Hussein and bring freedom to Iraq, it certainly should be a priority not to waste so much valor.

Unfortunately, President Obama's main concern seems to be something else: Keeping to his self-imposed, artificial timetable to end U.S. combat operations in little more than a year and get all our troops out by the close of 2011...


[No matter if defeat is snapped from the jaws of victory, our military accomplished its job in truly historic fashion given the hole they had to dig themselves out of - while regrettably reversible by our politicians, for our countrymen in uniform Iraq goes into the history books as

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