Monday, December 7, 2009

Sudan despot embraces 'climate justice' in Copenhagen

Villains are flocking to climb on the fraudulent global warming bandwagon

Sudan's Ambassador at the United Nations and is also chairman of the G77 and China bloc of developing countries. The topic was the UN climate conference scheduled to start December 7 in Copenhagen. The Group of 77 and China bloc has been playing a lead role in shaping the framework for future treaty negotiations that is to be adopted at the UN conference... [snip]

In exchange for oil, China has supplied Sudan with tanks, artillery, helicopters, and fighter aircraft. China has flooded Darfur with antipersonnel mines. It is estimated that as much as 80 percent of Sudan's oil revenue goes to the purchase of arms, while the general population remains one of the poorest in the world. A UN Panel of Experts report released October 27 found that munitions imported into Sudan in violation of the UN embargo were "largely Chinese in origin." [snip]

It is now Sudan's turn to provide diplomatic support to China at the UN climate talks. The UN is pushing the concept of "climate justice" and a "climate debt" owed by the developing world to the developing countries. The notion is that since the developed countries 'caused' the present climate crisis, they should correct it by cutting back their green house gas emissions dramatically, while the developing countries remain free to grow as fast as possible without any mandated limits on their emissions or on anything else that could slow them down.

Furthermore, the developed countries must transfer technology and money (Amb. Mohamad suggested $500 billion) to the developing nations so they can adapt to climate change and build cleaner, more efficient industries. UN-speak for this concept is "common but differentiated responsibilities" and it is enshrined in every document related to the climate negotiations... [snip]

Any change in the global balance of wealth and power will not end up in the hands of shaggy idealists marching around with placards. The new sources of strength will go to ambitious regimes in the developing world like China and its brutal allies like Sudan.

Only at the UN could such an outcome be called justice or embraced by self-styled progressives.

[Again, the AGW scam is nothing more {or less} than a mechanism to enact all things social-progressive.]


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