Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama Doesn't Care

Subject: txt 1st hcare -
The Senate health care "reform" bill that now has 60 votes and could pass by the end of this week is 2,074 pages long. And President Obama claims to know what's in it. Sort of.

Urging hold-out Democrats to back the bill, on Dec. 15, the president said, "You talk to every health care economist out there and they will tell you that whatever ideas are -- whatever ideas exist in terms of bending the cost curve and starting to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government, those elements are in this bill."

The ideas are in there, we're told. Whatever they are.

Moments later, Obama urged senators to not sweat the details and just pass the bill...

[Health 'care' has never been the real objective, hence anything will do. It's about power, transfered from you to government.]


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