Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Media Bash GOP 'Stalling', Praised Democrats for Fighting Bush

[Meanwhile, in our unbiased professional media...]

While Republican Senators work to slow down the full-blast freight train called ObamaCare from being passed before year's end, the media have predictably reported their efforts as partisan stalling.

How helpful for President Obama to have the media on his side. During the Bush administration when the proverbial shoe was on the other foot, Democrats were cast as brave dissenters who united in the fight against Republican agendas.

Back in 2005 when President Bush proposed a plan to reform the near-bankrupt Social Security program, Democrat Senators organized rallies to hold the line against any hint of privatization. The media promoted polling data that showed weak support for the plan and spun the results that favored Bush as a product of Republican propaganda.

On March 15, 2005, the Washington Post published a front-page attack on privatization that worked hard to claim any support was a result of fear-mongering...


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