Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Terrorism under the radar

A "big picture" look at terrorism in America.

A great piece by Praveen Swamiin in India's the Hindu that lists the dozen or so terrorist busts in the US in the last few months that included plans to attack not only the United States but other countries as well.

What struck me as I read this article was that we have not seen this kind of "big picture" coverage of terrorism anywhere in the American media that I have noticed.

When examined from the standpoint that these arrests can be seen as diligent attempts by al-Qaeda and their offshoots to inflict large scale attacks on America, you realize what a huge mistake the Obama administration is making in downplaying the very idea of a "War on Terror"... [snip]

Looking at this "big picture" highlights the danger to America. And the old saw about terrorism - "Terrorists only need to get lucky once" - rings especially true when you realize that the odds are shortening in the terrorists favor...


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