Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reality Check...

Just who is the "occupier"?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs was ordered by the Obama administration to express displeasure at the decision by Israel to build houses in the East Jerusalem suburb of Gilo. But Gibbs failed to disclose that the land on which Gilo was built, as with other suburbs in "disputed" parts of East Jerusalem, was home to many Jews who were driven out in 1948 by theArab Legion of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

It was not liberated by Israel, and the land restored, until the June, 1967 Six Day War, nineteen years later. King Hussein of Jordan had thrown in his lot with the Egyptian leader, Gamal Abdul Nasser, who was boasting how he was on the verge of destroying the Jewish state. The King believed Nasser's claims and attacked along the entire Jordanian / Israeli front (including Jerusalem) despite pleas by Israel for him to not follow Nasser's aggression.

In the nineteen years that the Jordanians occupied the territory, they never remotely considered it as anything but Jordanian. Certainly they never thought it belonged to another Arab people who later called themselves 'Palestinians'. As it was, Jordan's illegal occupation of East Jerusalem, as well as of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), was recognized by only two countries, Britain and Pakistan.

But the Obama White House, and the relentlessly anti-Israel State Department, nevertheless have decided that they will echo the demands of the Palestinian Authority and call for Israel to stop building homes, not only in Judea and Samaria, but even within Jewish suburbs of Israel's capital city, Jerusalem; this while Arab settlement building continues unchecked throughout the area at a feverish pace... [snip]

As Frank Gaffney wrote in an article some years ago about the delusional peace process:

... The entire Annapolis house of cards is built on the fraudulent foundation that the Palestinian faction established by Abbas' mentor, Yasser Arafat, is a reliable partner for peace. Only a zealot who has altogether lost any sense of reality could make such an assertion.

Will Prime Minister Netanyahu withstand the brutal pressure from Obama and not sell out Israel's ability to remain a viable state with an undivided capital city in eternal Jerusalem? It remains to be seen, but if he falters Israel may not be able to defend itself after being forced back within the nine mile wide pre-1967 borders, which an Israeli statesman, Abba Eban, once described as the "Auschwitz borders"...

[More actual history, Recommended > ]


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