Monday, November 30, 2009

POLL: Most Voters Still Oppose Health Care Legislation

Subject: txt 1st hcare -
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 49% are opposed to the plan.

Intensity is still stronger among those who oppose the push to change the nation’s health care system: 25% Strongly Favor the plan while 39% are Strongly Opposed.

Since July, support has generally remained between 41% and 46%. Last week, the effort was supported by 45% of voters. Two weeks ago, it was supported by 42%.

As has been the case for months, Democrats favor the plan while Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party are opposed. The latest numbers show support from 79% of those in the president’s party. The plan is opposed by 78% of Republicans and 61% of unaffiliated voters.


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