Monday, November 30, 2009

NPR Promotes 'We Need Health Reform Now' Mural In DC; Artist Paints Opponents As Abused Little Girl

Subject: txt 1st hcare msm sclm crpt libs - bdd -
On Monday night’s All Things Considered newscast on National Public Radio, reporter Joseph Shapiro recounted the sympathetic story of Regina Holliday, who lost her 39-year-old husband Fred to kidney cancer. Holliday painted a mural in Washington demanding "We Need Health Reform Now." (It’s headlined "A Widow Paints a Health Care Protest" and it's the most popular story on Wednesday at

But Shapiro’s story actually skimmed over just how passionately ideological Holliday’s mural is. She's amazed anyone could possibly be against health reform. On her blog she explained that she painted her opponents as a little girl in a red, white, and blue outfit: "I wondered 'How can you be against this?' Then I realized they were acting like people who have been abused. She is a pretty little girl with welts on her legs..."

On air, NPR stuck to the heart-tugging narrative. The politics emerged late in the story:

[Your tax dollars at work.]


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