Monday, November 2, 2009

Newsweek Despairs 'Checks and Balances' Impede ObamaCare

Subject: txt hcare lbrty msm -
Penning the lead story for the “Yes He Can (But He Sure Hasn't Yet)” Newsweek cover, “A Liberal's Survival Guide,” Anna Quindlen defended President Obama from liberal complaints he's not enacting liberal policies fast enough as she explained that he's “saddled” by the “incremental” constitutional structure.

Framing her piece in the November 2 edition of the magazine, “Hope Springs Eternal: Assessing a Young Presidency,” Quindlen proposed:

"Checks and balances: that's how we learn about it in social-studies class, and in theory [?] it is meant to guard against a despotic executive, a wild-eyed legislature, an overweening judiciary. And it's also meant to safeguard the rights of the individual...But what our system has meant during the poisonous partisan civil war that has paralyzed Washington in recent years is that very little of the big stuff gets done. It simply can't."

[Unbelievable - I think she literally doesn't realize that the 'big stuff' being attempted is exactly the type of 'despotic executive, wild-eyed legislature' the checks and balances were designed to guard us from.

I.e., yet another example of the brilliance our founders bequeathed to us {and the liberal ideological teamism that blinds this woman from recognizing it.}]


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