Monday, November 2, 2009

Dems don't need the public option to take over health care

Subject: txt 1st hcare sclm bbro -

John Hinderaker of Powerline lays out a brutally clear case for why even without the public option, Democrats will succeed in federalizing health care:

What strikes me as I read the House bill, however, is how closely it approximates socialized medicine even without the public option. The bill is classic national socialist legislation, in that it takes ostensibly private entities, the health insurance companies, and perverts them into instruments of the state, run top-down and barred from competing among themselves.

I think Hinderaker nails it by saying that paying our premiums under Obamacare is the same as paying a tax:

In the world that the House bill would create, the money we will pay to insurance companies won't really be insurance premiums. Insurance premiums are contractual payments which the parties voluntarily agree upon and which are based on a mutual assessment of risk. Rather, the checks we write to insurance companies will be taxes--compelled, at rates set by the federal government that are designed to punish some and subsidize others.

Obama has said that it will take a decade to get rid of private insurance companies. That's nonsense. They will already be gone the moment he signs this bill...


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