Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama's UN lesson

Subject: txt owg israel -
Six months ago, President Obama re versed his predecessor's boycott and accepted a seat for the United States on the vile UN Human Rights Council.

As UN Ambassador Susan Rice explained: "We do not see any inherent benefit . . . in being outside the tent and simply being critical without having significant influence."

So what exactly has Obama's "significant influence" managed to accomplish?

On Friday, the council formally endorsed the noxious Goldstone Report -- which accuses America's ally, Israel, of war crimes for defending itself against an ongoing barrage of Hamas rocket and mortar attacks launched from Gaza.

By a 25-6 vote -- only Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Ukraine joined Washington in voting no -- the panel referred the report to the Security Council.

Next stop, in the hopes of Israel's critics: the International Criminal Court... [snip]

The Obama administration has now made itself part and parcel of a process that not only endangers its own anti-terrorist efforts but that could result in Israel's being hauled before the international court for the "crime" of self-defense.

Washington's participation on this council will only give it credibility -- and denigrate America in the process.


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