Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Incredible Chutzpeh Of A Gigantean Jackass

Subject: txt mny engry -
Take a look at the action of the Department of Energy. They just recently loaned $529 million dollars to a Finnish company that is producing a $90,000 dollar hybrid sports car (that is $90,000 per car Clyde).

These funds are supposed to be used to create , or save American jobs, not sent overseas to create Finnish jobs building cars that none of us can afford in the first place.

Now comes the really interesting part, guess who is now receiving profits from this little venture by way of ownership of a fair amount of stock in this company?

You guessed it, the charlatan that invented the global warming scam in the first place, “Al Gore”.


image toon - grn - Gore's tounge stuck to frozen AGW hype

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