Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Newsweek: Rejecting 'Religion-based Bigotry'

Subject: txt msm bias bdd vals islm -

[The usual anti-religious bigotry - albeit just for religions of the Cross. Can you imagine such a graphic, in Newsweek, based on the Koran? You know, that document that calls for the murder of homosexuals? Oops, forgot: there we need be 'tolerant' of the diverse view...

As an atheist I tell you: the liberal left in all its guises (judicial, academia, old media, DNC) is at war with the religion that this country was and continues to be founded on (as in 3 out of 4, below) - to our nation's detriment. ]

[click to enlarge]

[Interesting re: the decline in Judaism and Agnostic - I wonder which way the Agnostics 'broke'...]


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