Tuesday, October 13, 2009

NBC Reporter Waves the White Flag: 'Time to Start Leaving' Afghanistan'

[Meanwhile, our professional media...]

In 2006, Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz found that NBC correspondent Richard Engel had strong political feelings: "I think war should be illegal...I'm basically a pacifist." That pacifist opinion is still surfacing, Kurtz reported Monday, although he didn’t recall the sentence from 2006:

"I honestly think it's probably time to start leaving the country. I really don't see how this is going to end in anything but tears,"
"The idea of going in to nation-build and win hearts and minds, I think, over the long term is kind of a loser."

[As usual, the Left learned all wrong lessons from Viet Nam.]


image toon - gwot = Viet Nam v Iraq re Afghanistan

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