Monday, October 12, 2009

Did YOU Know...

Subject: txt intl reps libs othr extra -
The following thumbnails describe a very small sampling of the 'brain trust' President Obama has deliberately chosen to help him guide America's ship of state.

A sampling of the White House "Brain Trust" [I.e., the current make up or your government...]

1. Valerie Jarrett -- Born in Iran, speaks Persian, a product of an elite, private, New England boarding school...

2. Patrick Gaspard -- a registered federal lobbyist for SEIU union members and prior employee of ACORN...

3. Eric Holder -- responsible for these widely-reported miscarriages of justice: Marc Rich pardon, FALN terrorists pardons, Weather Underground terrorists pardons, dismissed pending conviction of New Black Panthers... [much more...]

4. Cecelia Muñoz -- previously Senior Vice President of The National Council of La Raza...

5. Samantha Power -- "fierce critic of Israel", stridently criticized Iraq as an "occupation" but advocates that America send armed military forces to impose a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians - married to fringe academic Cass Sunstein...

6. Charles Freeman -- financial ties to king of Saudi Arabia, chairman American Arab Affairs Council, publicly praises Hamas, sides with Chinese re: Tiananmen Square, charged with "promoting public schools textbooks with the principal purpose of inducing teachers to embrace Islamic religious beliefs" [position? nominated to chair National Intelligence Council...]

7. Scott Gration -- [Special Envoy to Sudan]. "We've got to think about giving out cookies; kids, countries -- they react to gold stars, smiley faces, handshakes, agreements, talk, engagement."

8. Rahm Emanuel -- sent a 2½ foot-long dead and decomposing fish to lobbyist Allen Secrest with whom he was angry, threatened then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair: "This is important. Don't f--- it up."

9. Ezekiel Emanuel -- stated idea of 'workable' healthcare is to greatly restrict many treatments, particularly those over 40 as past their prime contribution years, "In numerous writings, Dr. Emanuel chastises physicians for thinking only about their own patient's needs."...

10. Cass Sunstein -- ["Regulatory Affairs"] "Animals should be permitted to bring [law] suit, with human beings as their representatives....", "the Internet is anti-democratic because of the way users can filter out information of their own choosing."...

11. Van Jones -- [removed, but he was appointed...] remains a self-defined Communist, excessively documented Whites-hating racist with a criminal arrest record, a "9/11 Truther" believer chosen for Green Czar by Valerie Jarrett [#1]...

12. Carol M. Browner -- Former EPA director, remains an ardent Socialist activist, Leader of Socialist International's, "Commission for a Sustainable World Society," which calls for "global governance.",

13. John Holdren -- advocates compulsory abortion, "All the children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons.",

14. Kevin Jennings -- [Safe Schools Czar] founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which now has over 40 chapters at schools nationwide, - "It should be impossible to graduate from NYU or any other school of education without coursework - required coursework - that address issues of [LGBT]. [It] should be a graduation requirement."

15. Chai Feldblum -- signed a manifest seeking to legalize polygamy, outspoken homosexual rights activist, aims to "change the American workplace and revolutionize social mores. This is a war that needs to be fought,' and it's not a war overseas where we are killing people in the name of liberating them." [position? Equal Employment Opportunity Commission]

Make no mistake. These people are about radical social engineering, forced or indoctrinated, and they are about power. Their power. And they're currently making thousands of federal bureaucratic appointments...

[Above are very condensed excerpts of the background provided with substantively verified references - and alarmingly clear proof of the pattern of extremely-extreme appointments being made with no congressional oversight (except Freeman, who was rejected). These are folks have the power to radically change our lives and more so that or our children - and their only oversight will come from us - MUST READ > ]


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