Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Who Asked Flickr to Take Down Obama Joker Photo?

As reported last Wednesday, the photo sharing website Flickr removed the Obama Joker picture that was later transformed into posters showing up in cities around the country. At the time, Flickr claimed it had acted on advice of counsel due to legal issues involving copyright infringement.

Yet, according to Thomas Hawk, none of the conceivably interested parties filed a complaint with Flickr: the only parties with a possible copyright issue are Time, DC Comix, and the photographer, and these three apparently didn't submit a DMCA notice.

Flickr either acted on its own to take down a picture it didn't like or management is protecting the identity of the complainant.

Regardless of which is the case, it appears Flickr is engaging in its own form of political censorship by either acting unilaterally or complying with the wishes of a party possessing no legal right to the picture in question.

Stay tuned.


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