Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Transparent Frauds

The illogical and burdensome laws and regulations produced by the lawyercrats in D.C. are purposefully written to confuse ordinary Americans just so we can't understand what the lawyercrats are doing to us.

Try to read and understand what the House's 1500-page health care bill does to your family’s healthcare.

You can read until your eyes pop out and you won't understand it. Neither can the members of Congress who are out there telling you how wonderful it is. (They won’t even bother to read it.) No one knows what the whole thing does or what it costs. Because it's impossible to understand.

The only people who really know anything about what’s in it are the liberal pressure groups who know just where their sweetheart deals are buried. They know where to find those, at least.

The health care bill, like its ugly, wart-nosed sister -- the U.S. tax code -- is written in lawyercrat language that obfuscates the effect and purpose -- in short the truth -- of what’s being done. And this is transparency?

There is nothing transparent in Washington, D.C. And a lot of people work really hard to make sure of that.

Stay very distrustful, America. In the words of the great, recently-departed reporter Robert Novak: Love your country, but don't trust your government.


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