Friday, September 11, 2009

Visas for Cubans but not Hondurans

Still on the wrong side of history

The Obama administration's war against Honduran democracy continues. On Thursday , the United States of America cut off aid to Honduras for following their own laws.

Now, our State Department has expanded visas to Cuba while denying them to Honduras.

The blog Mere Rhetoric explains:

The new Honduras guidelines mean you can only acquire a visa on an emergency basis, compared to the new Cuba rules which allow unlimited family travel. A few days ago the administration announced that they were looking to restrict visas to Honduras even further. Because the Cuban government is so much more democratic and legitimate than the entirety of the duly-elected and constitutionally-prescribed Honduran state.

[For shame.]


On a related note, Fausta Wertz has a roundup and pictures from the "Anti-Chavez Day" of demonstrations across Latin America...


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