Friday, September 11, 2009

CNN's Polling Before and After Obama Speech Skewed Democratic


CNN/Opinion Research Corporation’s poll on President Obama’s health care speech to Congress on Wednesday significantly oversampled Democrats. The pollsters interviewed 427 Americans before and after their speech- only 18% were Republicans, while 45% were Democrats.

CNN’s senior political correspondent Candy Crowley detailed the poll’s results on Anderson Cooper 360 less than an hour after the President delivered his speech on Wednesday evening, and the following morning on the American Morning program.’s home page touted how the poll “finds big swing after Obama speech” [see graphic at right], while the article about the poll itself ran with the headline, “CNN Poll: Double-digit post-speech jump for Obama plan.”

Update: MRC President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell released the following statement regarding the CNN poll:

"CNN has no business airing a ‘poll’ that is straight partisan reaction from those already in the can for ObamaCare. Caveat or no caveat, CNN was dead wrong to run this and on national television proclaim,

‘We have important numbers here.’

It is an embarrassment that their news directors deemed it newsworthy to begin with. This network simply cannot be trusted to cover this hugely important story fairly."


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