Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Revisionist History of ACORN

In a column today, Salon’s Joe Conason drastically downplays the history of illegality that characterizes the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. In his revisionist history of the organization, Conason tries to show that ACORN may commit voter registration fraud, intimidate its employees to prevent them from unionizing, and willingly assist in the trafficking of underage sex slaves, but by and large it is a force for good.

"For many years the combined forces of the far right and the Republican Party have sought to ruin ACORN, the largest organization of poor and working families in America."

Ah yes, ACORN is supposedly battling for the rights of the working class.

But in 1995, the organization sued the State of California for an exemption to the high minimum wage laws in that state on the grounds that higher wages would mean they would have to employ fewer people.

Incidentally, this is the exact same argument that every opponent of minimum wage laws employs, and ACORN has always battled for a higher minimum wage.


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