Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The left still doesn't get it

The lefties' only work experience has been organizing protests, crafting slogans and manipulating the media. But regular Americans, in addition to their day jobs in building America and making it work have now also learned the stagecraft of protesting, sloganeering and leveraging the alternative media, while upstaging the mainstream media.

Unlike regular Americans, lefties have never produced anything that works -- neither in the private nor public sector. They have no frame of reference to assess whether their new world order will work; they haven't participated in building what works today. Nor have they ever built any sort of successful competing socio-economic model on any scale to show the rest of us that their future state on a larger scale could work.

More frightening, lefties don't care. Their only interest is to exercise the power of overthrow and erasure. David Horowitz, erstwhile lefty , now turned socio-political critic of the left, reminded Glenn Beck in a recent interview that the end game of Obama's radical movement is simply power.

Power has been the goal of the leftist movement for nearly a hundred years, most fervently in America since the late 1950s, today more than ever as they finally have critical mass to achieve their centennial ambition...

[I disagree the Left doesn't get it - I think it gets it too well: they know that if they succeed in establishing laws and, even better, institutions (frequently government entities themselves) to pursue leftist ideals they're virtually impossible to undo - hence the steady, if occasionally stagger-stepped, march toward big-government socialism.

Without awareness and active rejection it's inevitable - it requires eternal vigilance to keep at bay. Et tu?]


image toon - sclm bbro lbrty mny = Senators in insurance bathroom for records

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