Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ObamaCare -- Or Else

Is there something disquieting about a president who only wants to spread love and compassion to all Americans -- or else? Or else he'll hate us forever? Or else he'll put us in jail? Or do it despite a greater that two to one majority explicitly telling him we don't want it?

That's the feeling I'm getting. He is so intent on doing us all a big favor. ObamaCare is Just and Right and Compassionate --- and it has nothing to do with empowering the Left for the next generation and turning everybody else into Russian serfs. Nothing at all. There's no self-interest in this man and his benevolent friends from Chicago. They do whatever they do purely out of love for all of humanity.

If some used car salesman keeps ringing your doorbell and phoning you at home and spamming your email, and just will not stop trying to sell you the same old lousy clunker -- after a while you might start to think that he's not that interested in serving your needs.

Something other than trying to do you the favor of a lifetime must be at play here...

[Its never been about improving health care.]


image toon - 1st hcare = Trojan Donkey re hcare

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