Wednesday, September 2, 2009


If only there were a conspiracy to blame, but there isn’t. It would be comforting, in a perverse way, to discover a home video showing Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill, CIA Director Leon Panetta and the bosses of Yale University Press smoking cigars and playing cards with Muammar Gaddafi.

But there is no conspiracy, only a rampant loss of will to defend freedom in the West.

Today’s release of the long-awaited CIA Inspector General’s report on terrorist interrogations rides close upon the heels of Scotland’s “compassionate” release of a terrorist mass-murderer and an act of self-censorship by Yale Press that are, each in its turn, acts of surrender to the terrorist nations that war against us. [snip]

But -- as pointed out in an August 19 letter to Attorney General Holder signed by nine Republican senators --

“The CIA’s Inspector General report on interrogations, which reportedly would be a basis upon which you would seek to justify a special prosecutor, has been available to the Department of Justice for more than five years.

Three former Attorneys General and numerous career prosecutors have examined the findings of that report and other evidence and determined that the facts do not support criminal prosecutions.”

Holder will ignore that letter, as he has so many others from Republican senators, and appoint a special prosecutor to go after CIA interrogators, breaking the promise he made in a pre-confirmation interview to Sen. Christopher Bond (R-Mo).

His goal -- and the president’s -- is not the security of this nation but to keep a political issue alive and thus keep the George Bush albatross hanging around Republicans’ necks... [snip]

Do not look for Obama or Holder or Panetta to object to Yale’s action. They are too busy following their own path to American dhimmitude.


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