Friday, August 21, 2009


Americans have been debating about the proposed universal health care bill. During this time, President Obama has stated over and over that it will be revenue neutral and that it will not increase the deficit.

While it's true that we have some obvious problems in our medical system, most Americans are satisfied with their health care. A majority sees no crisis to warrant a government takeover:

  • The new polling shows that 80 percent of those with insurance rate their own coverage as good or excellent.
But when we get through the economic time that we're in right now, we're going to be confronted with an even bigger problem.

The first of the Baby Boomers started signing up for early retirement under Social Security last year and in two years they will start signing up for Medicare.

All told, 78 million people are going to stop working, stop paying taxes and start drawing benefits.

The problem is that neither Social Security, nor Medicare is ready for them.

And the federal government has made explicit and implicit promises to millions of people, but has put no money aside in order to keep those promises...


image toon - mny sclm bbro - SSN + Medicare moon looks so close

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