Friday, August 21, 2009

Obama Bears False Witness, Saying Abortion Coverage in Health Bill is a "Fabrication"

While the White House "reality check" website was silent on the issue of abortion in Obamacare, his campaign website quotes a false factcheck statement that "In fact, none of the health care overhaul measures that have made it through the committee level in Congress say that abortion will be covered".

In fact, the Capps Amendment passed by the House Energy and Commerce committee would require the establishment of at least one plan covering elective abortions in every federally-subsidized exchange, and it gives the HHS Secretary the authority to include abortion coverage in the public plan and requires that the public plan cover abortion if the Hyde amendment (which bans funding of abortions through Medicaid) is repealed.

Can any intellectually honest person call it something else?

As Reason's Jacob Sullum wrote, "The Democrats might as well tell the anti-abortion taxpayer that they won't use his money to kill fetuses, which will be done only with money from taxpayers who have no compunctions about the procedure."


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