Monday, August 3, 2009

A Paktika Province Fourth of July

My friend Matt Holzmann has published a beautiful tribute to two young Americans killed there on the Fourth of July while we, safe at home, were celebrating our independence.

... On the 4th of July, the AP reported that the Taliban had launched a coordinated attack first with a suicide truck bomber to try and blow the gates (which failed), and then with coordinated mortar, machine gun, and RPG fire, raking a quiet FOB Zerok. Over 200 Talibi hit pretty much at once from 2 sides with everything they had...

... Our soldiers devastated the enemy. Dozens were killed, and the bloodstains leading back across the border to the safe haven for the Taliban were many. These were murderous thugs trying to impose the worst sort of degradation on their own people, and their sole goal was to take as many American scalps as possible on our most sacred civic holiday...

...These young men knew their duty and did it in the face of death to protect all Americans. As we had our barbecues and picnics and parades these kids died for our freedoms to say and think and do as we pretty well please. We don’t see this in the suburbs and cities. Death is distant, hermetically sealed off. It’s in the small towns that we see the price of war more clearly...

We must respect the sacrifice of these young men and so many others who have paid that price and demand more of ourselves in return. It’s called keeping the faith. May God rest their souls and comfort their loved ones and buddies back in Afghanistan.

[Highly Recommended > ]


image toon - gwot nsec heroes msm = MSM asks if soldier liked MJ

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