Monday, August 3, 2009

Muslims call to prosecute Queen

FANATICS led by a sponging Islamic extremist enraged MPs yesterday by publicly demanding the Queen is prosecuted - for GENOCIDE. Rabble-rouser Anjem Choudary's cohorts accused British troops of wiping out the civilian population in Afghanistan and said it was Her Majesty's fault because she is "the head of this country".

In an internet rant to fellow extremist Muslims, they declare:

"She is the one who applauds her sons and daughters to go out and massacre hundreds and thousands of innocent people. Shouldn't she be tried for genocide and the extermination of a nation?"

MP Patrick Mercer - chairman of the Commons counter- terrorism sub-committee - and ex-soldier remarked:

"We must recognise Mr Choudary's words for what they are - weapons being wielded by al-Qaeda and the Taliban. This is the next phase of an enemy operation in our country."

Cops are currently investigating Choudary, 42 - who is on benefits and is a pal of hate preacher Omar Bakri - for demanding gays be stoned to death. Douglas Murray, of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said:

"It's especially offensive because the people behind it are living off handouts from the British taxpayer."


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