Monday, August 17, 2009

Obama Uses Op-Ed to Criticize Health Insurance Industry

The op-ed in The New York Times escalated an approach the White House and congressional Democrats have taken in recent weeks, demonizing another private sector industry to justify its intentions to take over the health care industry rather than arguing the merit of legislation currently being considered by both houses.

Though health care reform critics have flooded town halls over the past month, Obama wrote in his column that media have focused too much on the "loudest voices" -- he suggested that those with inadequate insurance policies are clamoring for reform.

The president claimed that insurance companies "discriminated" against more than 12 million Americans over three years because of pre-existing conditions, adding:

"Almost everyone knows that we must start holding insurance companies accountable"

Obama wrote that he's confident health care reform will pass.

[Again; when a politician {or anyone} uses the 'argument' that "everybody knows", it means they've no factual data or logical construction to support their view. It's the most hollow of demagoguery.]


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