Monday, August 17, 2009


Senator Rips Fox: 'Nothing More Than An Arm of the Republican Party'

It's not enough that much of the mainstream media cheered on Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008. No, it's time for a "progressive television network" and for left-wingers to support radio hosts that are sympathetic to liberal causes according to Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Sanders, a self-described socialist, appeared on MSNBC's Aug. 13 "Rachel Maddow Show" and blasted Fox News and conservative talk radio. He blamed both for creating 'obstacles to Democratic Party' led efforts to fundamentally alter health care in the United States. But he also said it's time the left attempted to replicate the right and created their own left-wing networks.


[Attempted? And what, pray tell, are all other channels considered if not liberal?

Exempting its opinion shows {you know, the loud guys}, Fox's 'news' coverage {'coverage' principally defined as story selection, not commentary regarding} is more balanced than any other national organization {by virtue of said selection} and can only be labeled particularly conservative in comparison to the rampantly-left bias which permeates the MSM.

I'm not a Republican. I don't own Fox stock. I dislike their highest rated opinion shows everyone associates with the network. But I peruse more news than probably 98% of the populace and I tell you {yes I know, again} that their newscasts' story selection is consistently broader, and so less consistently left-bias than anyone else.

Exhibit A: Global Warming; at least on Fox you'll occasionally hear of the daily research that's being produced debunking the whole theory - good luck with that on other stations.

Exhibit B...]

'We've Got Two Problems. Um, I Mean, The Dems Do'

Jonathan Capehart let the mask slip on just how much the MSM is one with Pres. Obama and Democrats at large. Here's the WaPo editorialist on Morning Joe today, discussing the daunting task of selling ObamaCare to a doubting public:

"We've got two problems here. We: I should say the administration or Democrats have two problems."

Sorry, Jonathan. Cat out of bag. Toothpaste out of tube. Bell rung.

Not that we doubted the MSM's identification with PBO and the Dems, but still amusing to have it confirmed in this Freudian-moment.


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