Friday, August 14, 2009

When the Right Protests, It Must Be Wrong

For eight years in America, protest was in and all the cool kids did it. We had flamboyantly dressed Code Pinkers demonstrating at conventions and in sessions of Congress, calling Marine recruiters “traitors” and protesting wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Then there were the crazies from Acorn stalking Wall Street executives at their homes. And anti-war lefty Cindy Sheehan got so much news coverage from the major networks and top newspapers that they practically had to create a bureau to handle her antics.

Through it all, the left whined that President George Bush was a fascist – with “BusHitler” a common term among the foam-at-mouth Birkenstock set. (Google Bush AND Hitler and you’ll get more than 1 million hits including a bunch of Photoshopped images of Bush as Hitler.

We were supposed to bear with it. Dissent was patriotic we were told. Those hate-spewing anti-war activists really loved our soldiers – especially when they were mocking the war right outside a veteran’s hospital. And the endless stream of Nazi comparisons were just free speech, after all.

That all happened before January 20, when the left, along with their supporters in the news media, decided protest and dissent were suddenly unpatriotic. Welcome to hypocrisy, the millennial edition. Now everything said or done in those eight years is forgotten. America has a blank slate to build hope and change under Obama, so we are told.

Don’t dare criticize him, knock his policies or voice your opinion. Do it and you are called “mobs” or racist by the media and treated as scary forces of hate reminiscent of Waco, the Klan or Nazis...

[I'm always amazed that the left ceaselessly tries to associate the right with 'Nazi', when it stands for Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, i.e., the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Any honest comparison of its political planks and methods in its 10-year ascension leading up to war {after which its actions became uncompilable to anyone else's, and so moot} irrefutably aligns and overlaps with our current Democrat party's statist beliefs and Alinsky-style power play politics.

Sadly, the fact the conservatism's foundation in individual liberty puts it at the opposite end of the political spectrum evidently hasn't stopped the MSM from re-educating that portion of the populace that gets its 'news' from TV.

If only we could figure out a way to teach history in our schools.]


image toon - msm bias = MSM Obama-teers sing Barak's song

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