Friday, August 14, 2009

AP Reporter Again Erroneously Cites Cost of Wars As 'Major' Deficit Factor

Does the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger moonlight as a Code Pink operative? There has to be something that explains what I'll call his Iraqnaphobia.

Last month the AP reporter erroneously cited the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as a "major factor" explaining why "the deficit has widened."

In a quick review of the related June 2009 Monthly Treasury Statement, I cited three examples of higher spending in other areas of government that were larger than last year, both in dollar and percentage terms, than the $33 billion, 7% increase in total defense spending.

NB commenter Arminius further pointed out that

"Our military spending amounts to 5 percent of GDP. Iraq and Afghanistan amount to 15 percent of that 5 percent."

Obviously, as Tom notes, larger culprits are responsible for the massive deficit:

"It's simply not possible that the two wars can be a major factor."

No matter --
This month Crutsinger did it again...


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