Monday, August 31, 2009

Cop Forces Town Hall Protester to Take Down Anti-Obama Sign

"It ain't [America] no more, okay?"

So amazingly said a police officer at a town hall meeting in Reston, Virginia, Tuesday when he refused to allow a protester to display an anti-ObamaCare sign (pictured right).

I kid you not.

If we had an honest media in America, the following video would have been broadcast repeatedly over the past few days to demonstrate how free speech in our nation is indeed under attack (h/t Gary G. Howell):




Rush Limbaugh was quite right Wednesday when he told Fox News's Glenn Beck, "It is the most dangerous time in my life for freedom and liberty in this country."

It certainly is. [Hence my problem with slamming Rush for his narcissistic and bombastic style; his core points {when he finally makes them} are more often right than wrong.]

Too bad we currently have a media unwilling to report such tyranny and too stupid to understand that these restrictions to free speech will eventually affect them as well.

[Unfortunately the video implies, and I've read nothing to suggest otherwise, that the protester acquiesced to the cops demands. That won't do, in that it's basically doing nothing in the presence of wrongdoing. He should have refused and been arrested {as the officer promises in the video} so he could challenge this behavior in court where such conduct must be fought.]


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