Monday, August 31, 2009

Bi-Polar Liberals?

For example, they talk incessantly about "choice", as in a woman's right to choose. Or "choosing a life style", which is code for appeals to the gay and lesbian community.

But even though the LPDs preach "tolerance" and "diversity", in terms of certain other "choices" they are utterly intolerant.

School choice comes to mind. As does any healthcare choice other than the so-called public option for health care insurance.

So, are they for or against the concept of individual choice? [snip]

And this apparent bi-polar disorder reveals itself in areas other than healthcare.

Take the Global Warming (Oops, I mean 'Climate Change') debate. LPDs announce that all CO2 emissions from ANY source are evil and are in fact, according to NY Times writer Paul Krugman, "treason against the planet". So the LPDs have determined that we must destroy our economy, reduce our standard of living, and risk the lives of the elderly living on minimal incomes by raising the costs for them to heat their homes - while the Obama administration loans [guarantees the loans] Brazil two billion dollars to develop it's offshore reserves.

Of course China and India have both said they won't even consider adopting such economy-killing restrictions. In fact, the Chinese are planning to continue their massive expansion of coal fired electrical generating plants which will more than offset in CO2 emissions what the LPDs will "cap" with the Waxman-Markey climate bill...


image toon - auto grn = bullible consumers re Oby's plans

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