Monday, July 13, 2009


POLICE will be ordered not to charge Muslim extremists in many hate crime cases – to stop them becoming more militant. [?]

Examples of crimes to which a blind eye may be turned include incitement to religious hatred or viewing extremist material on the internet.

Last night critics warned that the move could mean Islamic radicals being give the freedom to encourage violence. Some saw the move as a politically correct attempt to appease extremists who hate Britain. It could even mean officers tolerating many activities of Muslim preachers of hate like the hook-handed cleric Abu Hamza.

“This sounds like abject surrender. Everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law. It doesn’t matter whether someone is suspected of incitement to hatred or shoplifting – they should all face the same risk of prosecution. There should be no special favours or treatment for any section of the community.”

Officials insist there is no suggestion that people who have clearly committed offences will avoid prosecution. A senior Whitehall official said the guidance was being drawn up as part of a drive to use persuasion rather than the criminal justice system to fight extremism. He added:

“The aim is to stop people being dragged into extremism. We need to be able to provide support for individuals who are drawn into criminal activity..." [i.e., they're the victims]

Millions of pounds have been pledged to fund Muslim groups, drawing claims that they are receiving special treatment. The latest move represents a reversal of the policy introduced under Tony Blair in the wake of the terrorist attacks in London in 2005, when as Prime Minister he called for an overhaul of the criminal justice system to root out and prosecute extremists....


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