Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama distracts the public by falling back on an old standby

Apparently, investigating Bush will take precedence over the economy - at least until it starts to recover.

With the falling poll numbers endangering Obama initiatives on cap trade and health care reform, the President needs to fall back on his hobby horse from the Presidential campaign - big bad George Bush (and the need for "change"). This, I think, explains the New York Times story today on a secret intelligence program after 9/11 that was never divulged to Congress, the new charges by Nancy Pelosi that the CIA lied to Congress, and the threat of a new investigation by Attorney General Eric Holder into alleged acts of torture during the Bush years.

The Obama administration's loyal accomplices in the national media will be more than happy to focus on Bush and his "crimes". If Obama is lucky, maybe the people won't hear quite so much in the next few months about the economy, or at least until a turnaround occurs.


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