Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Islamic world’s malevolent zeitgeist

Yesterday, Israeli President Shimon Peres gave the nod to Likud leader Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu. He has six weeks (and an uphill struggle) to try and form a coalition government. Chances are he’ll manage, if only just.

Some believe choosing Netanyahu advances the chances of peace in the Middle East; many believe it sets it back. I think it makes no difference.

For over 60 years, Israel has been fighting to exist. For the same length of time, the Arab/Muslim world has been fighting for Israel not to exist. If peace came today, it would, by definition, be a victory for Israel. I don’t think the Arab/Muslim world is emotionally ready for that.

“Don’t you think there are Arabs and Arab leaders out there who truly believe in coexistence with Israel?” an Israeli friend wanted to know.

I’ve no doubt there are. The problem is, they don’t count... [snip]

That’s why it isn’t Peres’ choice that determines the chances of peace in the Middle East. Who couldn’t negotiate peace with al-Maari’s progeny?

And with bin Laden’s, who can?

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