Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hondouras and Chavez: What the centralized media is not telling you

The “coup” in the Central American nation of Honduras is the first major blow to the Marxist expansion sponsored by Hugo Chavez, but the American people are to a great extent being kept in the dark by the centralized news media.

The Associated Press, upon which most news outlets in the United States depend, appears to be slanting its reporting to support the pro-Chavez version of events in Honduras.... [snip]

Chavez has close ties with the most important guerrilla group in the region, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombian, a Marxist narco-terror army known by the Spanish acronym, FARC. Although recently battered by Colombian military, the FARC remains a potent force in Colombia and still retains a significant presence throughout much of the Latin American region.

Operating from Nicaragua, FARC fighters could easily cross the border into Honduras and inflict a great amount of suffering and death.

President Micheletti and his supporters did, as Chavez emotionally declared, “break the rules,” but only in the sense of opposing an abuse of power and “chavismo.”

How long Micheletti can withstand the assaults from the neo-communist elites remains uncertain, but a brave stand has been taken against Marxist tyranny, and the American people should have accurate knowledge about it...

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