Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thirty years after Three Mile Island

Thirty years ago, the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station had a partial meltdown. The Left in American had a total breakdown. We know today that nuclear power is very safe, very clean, and can provide a true "alternative energy" to fossil fuels, but the whipped up hysteria surrounding Three Mile Island has prevented America from using ending much of our dependence on foreign oil.

No one was killed because of Three Mile Island. No one was even harmed. France has been building nuclear power plants for almost fifty years. France now generates almost all its electrical power from these plants and it exports more electricity than any other nation on Earth. There was no reason why America could not have done much of what France did -- nothing, except, for the sick pseudo-science of the Left.

Consider the surreal absurdity of our present policies. Barack Obama is spending unimaginable sums of future tax dollars to end our present economic crisis. At the same time, he proposes nothing to end the economic calamity of politically correct environmentalism. Nuclear energy is the safest and surest means to reduce our dependence on foreign energy and on domestic fossil fuels.

But instead of embracing the proven and the sensible, the politically correct science of the Left demands we do what is wasteful and inefficient...


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