Friday, June 12, 2009

Science Magazine and the WHO Promote Pandemic Panic

Although the “worried well” are still swamping emergency rooms, our pig flu is appearing to be a piglet. But a study in Science magazine claims the outbreak portends a pandemic and the media have gone hog wild over it. “Swine Flu Is as Severe as 1957 Pandemic,” blared a typical headline about the outbreak that killed 1-3 million people worldwide and 70,000 Americans.

Actually reading the study and its accompanying citations – rather than just the summary and press release, as most reporters dothe data shows both that swine flu is less contagious and far less severe than ordinary seasonal flu...

[That's 'Science' magazine and the World Health Organization {WHO} - if you don't already associate their names with junk science, remember this for future reference when they next grand stand {and they will; it's their bread & butter}.]


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