Friday, June 12, 2009

MSNBC Guests Provide 'Clarity' on Iraq, Pre-War Intelligence and WMD

Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, appearing on Maddow's show and criticizing Dick Cheney's assertion that harsh interrogation of captured al Qaeda prevented terrorist attacks after 9/11 --

WILKERSON: You'll notice that Cheney always says, seven and a half years or almost eight years, no terrorist attack and so forth. That's because he has the honor of being, or the dishonor of being the man on whose watch 3,000 Americans died. More Americans died from a terrorist attack under Dick Cheney's leadership, if you will, than any other president in our history. [classy]

The reason we have not had another attack in this country, more than any other thing, is over 200,000 Americans who have been fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq against al Qaeda and other associated enemies. So we have had 200,000 Americans overseas presenting al Qaeda with very, very lucrative targets and therefore, why would they want to come here?* This is idiocy of the first order that Dick Cheney is putting out. [?!?...]

*> Also known as fighting them there instead of here. Chief proponents? George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

A better example of "idiocy of the first order"?

Keeping those 200,000 Americans at home after 9/11 instead of deploying them abroad, the better to provide al Qaeda with "very, very lucrative targets" on the homefront. In addition to the skyscrapers, nuclear plants, bridges, dams and malls that al Qaeda would have targeted in the process...


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