Monday, June 8, 2009

“No You Can’t!”

North Korea is launching missiles, Iran is building nukes, Saudi Arabia is sponsoring hate that translates into worldwide terrorism, Sudan is still massacring and raping, China is busy ethnic cleansing Tibet into a Chinese province… but the Obama Administration is furious, yes “furious” at only one country, Israel.

What did Israel do? Well it’s building a hotel in Jerusalem... [snip]

What right does Israel have building a hotel in its own capital anyway? So far we’ve had Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demand an end to Jewish babies being born, as if she were Pharaoh dressed up in a power suit. The administration has demanded an absolute freeze on settlements, with Jerusalem to be viewed as a “settlement” too, in exchange for Abbas and Hamas, maybe sorta stepping up their security cooperation. The double standard here is stunning (or should be).

The Muslim world can build nukes (Iran), commit genocide (Sudan), occupy anyplace they want including the territory of a NATO ally (Turkey), and Obama will come hat in hand to them, bearing apologies and huge aid packages.

Israel however had better not even think of building a hotel in its capital city. Or having babies. Or the Obama Administration will be furious and leak supposed plans to “punish” Israel for having the temerity to keep on living, building and growing.

After 17 years of terror, Israelis went to the polls and voted for security. They did not vote for a two state solution. They did not vote to be Obama’s pinata, or to be thrown under the bus whenever Obama tries to play up to the Muslim world.

[Highly Recommended > ]


image toon - israel = Oby = Netanyahu; tear down settlements

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